Tutorials for putting make-up on heads

Drawing a face can be a lot easier if you have the right tools and professional tips. This tutorial is presented by the doll artist Hanakago, known as the Parabox Kayura face-up artist. In this lesson she explains how to draw a realistic look gradation eyes.
She uses the acrylic paint called liquitex, the thinner called Tamiya X20A Acrylic Thinner for base drawing, and Tamiya X-22 Clear for the finish. Also, she uses pastel (less oil kind) for the cheek, and two kinds of brushes. She doesn't like the thin and short brushes because they don't hold enough paint to make long lines.

Tips for creating Anime looking face: draw eyes a little lower on the face. The bottom of the eyes goes to the line of the dip of the nose. Making bigger eyes is important, too.

1. Wiping the head with the weak thinner. This step is required because it helps paints stays on soft vinyl heads easier. Dilute the brown acrylic paint with Tamiya X-20A and draw the base line. If you need to redo it, wipe it off with paint thinner or fingernail polish remover. You can use color pencils (non-oil kind) for the base drawing also. Putting a small towel under the hand as a cushion when drawing might be helpful for you.
2. Using a toothpick, check the balance of the eyes height occasionally. (Even put the head upside down to see the balance!) Don't make the brown lines too dark.
3. Choose the color of the eyes, and draw it on the eyes. The acrylic paints dry soon, so layer with thin layers to make it a darker color.
4. Add some accent using white and darker colors to the base color. Start adding the similar color to the base color and use gradually darker or weaker colors. (Don't start with the white!) Using different darknesses of the color, make the eyes sophisticated.
5. Let's finish it up by adding the iris using a thin pen brush.
Before doing it, you may want to practice drawing thin lines on a Kleenex.
To make it complete, add highlight with the white color on the eye. The position of highlight is up to you. The picture above has tears added, too.

Add some colors on the eyebrows and lips. Draw them up without any hesitation to make clear lines. Add makeup on her cheek with a make-up brush.

Another drawing-eyes example
Adding cat ears makes it look cuter!
6. Draw eyes following steps 1 to 3 above except using red for the base color instead.6. Add white iris.

When using hair transplanted heads, brush hair back and tie it well before starting. Leave it until the paint is dry for sure. Then, trim the hair to match the face up!

7. Add shadows and highlights to finish.